Teaching force holds conference, optimizes learning resource system
By: Jose D. Cadalin Jr., TNT
Teachers of solid partners to delivering holistic, quality education to Batang Gentriseño, Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. North National High School (LYFJNNHS) and Luis S. Ferrer III Integrated National High School (LSFINHS), conferred in a workshop relative to learning resource system and optimization, Thursday, April 11 at the LYFJNNHS Junction Hall.
North High Learning Resource Coordinator and Head of Project GRANT (Generating Resources for Adaptable and Innovative Teaching), Chrismy B. Almonacid, said that this year’s conference is aimed at orienting teachers with the imperatives of leveling up the school’s learning resource system to maximize available instructional and learning materials.
Annaliza Q. Aviles, Chief Librarian of Governor Ferrer Memorial Integrated National High School (GFMINHS) delivered lectures on ways to acquire instructional materials and resources and on processes of crafting these materials up to their actual utility by the learners.
Basing on her extensive experience in learning resource management, Aviles stressed that certain stages are to be considered to come up with quality and lawfully compliant materials. She highlighted the necessity of organizing a team of writers, layout artists, and evaluators for the content, language, format, and layout employed in crafted resources to ensure its authenticity, relevance, context, and content.
Aviles said, “Any learning resource should be free from plagiarism and copyright infringement therefore proper citations of sources and references should be made.”
The significance of promoting resource accessibility and leveraging technology for better has been stressed to augment the learning experiences of the students.
In addition to the lectures, Aviles engaged the teacher-participants in a workshop. Divided by department, the teachers provided a sample resource and evaluated its content, language, format, and layout. Two to three teachers from each department presented their output.
The participants acknowledged the need for a commitment to enrich high-quality and localized materials to sustain an accessible and optimized learning resource system for the benefit of the North High learners.
Meanwhile, LYFJNNHS Principal, Dr. Naneth P. Salvador, and Ap/EsP Coordinator, Manolo L. Barles, supervised the conduct of the said seminar workshop.