Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. North National High School’s Project LINGAP-North conducts a free checkup for North High students in accordance with the DepEd memorandum DM-CT No. 22 s2024 entitled Recipients and Priority Expenditure of the FY. 2024 Special Education Program Support funds in the SNEd headquarters today, October 30, 2024. Dr. Ma. Connie G. Dalagdog from Gallo-Daglogdog Optical supervised and helped students to have their eyes checked in hopes of helping them against their struggle with their poor eyesight.
This project was spearheaded by Dr. Naneth P. Salvador, together with Ma’am Inky Jane E. Latumbo, SNEd Coordinator, and Ma’am Ana Claire R. Bataller, Co-Chairperson of the club.
Project LINGAP-North aims for students to have improvement in their vision, prevent and treat eye-related problems, and improve their academic and work performance.