City of General Trias City held its first Ulat sa Lungsod 2024 of Kgg. Luis “Jon-Jon” A. Ferrer IV at the City of Gen. Trias Cultural and Convention Center, exactly at 1:30 in the afternoon. The School Principal, Dr. Naneth P. Salvador, together with the SSLG President, Gracielle A. Gaduina, attended the said event along with the other stakeholders from various sectors.
The event aimed to present and discuss the progress of the programs and achievements associated with the Sustainable Economic Development, Empowered Citizen Economy, and Sustainable and Livable City Environment of General Trias. These are presented for transparency and continuous improvement of the city.
Governor Athena Tolentino, Congressman Antonio “Ony” Ferrer, and Vice Mayor Jonas P. Labuguen, gave their warm welcoming greetings and messages to acknowledge the attendees from various sectors, extending their deepest gratitude to the hard-working executives and citizens of General Trias. They also gave an inspiring message highlighting the progressive economic growth and introduced Mayor Luis “Jon-Jon” A. Ferrer IV for the welcoming and opening of the event.
The Ulat sa Lungsod 2024 of Kgg. Luis “Jon-Jon” A. Ferrer IV also serves as a path for every GentriseΓ±os by joining forces for a more progressive city.